
 Yes, you can change your NDIS provider at any time. All you need to do is call your current provider and inform them of your intention to switch to another provider. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local NDIA office if you have more questions about changing providers.

Yes, you can involve your family members. You can involve your family members in the NDIS-related planning process. It is important to discuss with them your plans and goals for the future and how they will help you achieve those goals.

Pre-planning is optional but can help you get the most out of your NDIS provider consultation.

If you already know what services you want to access through the NDIS, it will be easier for your NDIS provider to provide information on what types of support are available and how they can assist in meeting your goals.

If you need to know what services you need or want, then pre-planning may help guide you towards some options and away from others that might not be relevant to your situation.

The NDIS offers three ways to administer funds: Self-Managed, Plan-Managed, and NDIS-Managed.

  • Self-managed fund administration is an option for participants with a high level of competence and confidence in managing their affairs and financial matters. Participants can manage their plans independently or have an approved friend or family member help them.
  • Plan-managed fund administration is a more formal arrangement where the participant’s plan is administered by a professional organisation (called an ‘administrator’). The administrator is responsible for managing the participant’s funds and any transactions made from these funds.
  • NDIS-managed fund administration occurs when no other options are available to the participant. This option involves the NDIA taking responsibility for administering all aspects of your plan, including payments, service providers and other relevant arrangements.

No, you will not need to pay anything on top of your funding. All of our services are included in the cost of your NDIS coverage.

The NDIS limits the amount you can be charged for services. This is called the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. The guide lists the maximum service providers can trust to deliver a particular service or package of services.

The NDIS is designed to support people with disability in the way that best suits them. This means it can provide various supports to help you live more independently. The NDIS funds a wide variety of supports for people with disability, including:

  • Personal Care: A carer or family member may provide you with assistance in many aspects of your life, such as helping you bathe and get dressed, making sure you take your medication and eat properly, assisting you with communication like writing letters or talking on the phone, and helping you to make decisions about where you want to live, etc.
  • Community Participation: Community support can help participants get involved in activities that bring them into contact with other people. One example of this is community programs that provide opportunities for socialising and recreation, such as movie nights or shopping excursions, membership in clubs or sports teams, educational classes or seminars on topics like cooking healthy meals or managing personal finances so that they don’t go into debt when they’re older!
  • Accessibility: The modification of wheelchairs and scooters to fit into public spaces without requiring special accommodations—such as ramps—offers vital support for the mobility needs of people who use these devices.

Funding provided by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is only available to people aged 7 to 65 at the time of enrolment. If you are over 65, you may find other programs equivalent to the NDIS that better suit your needs.

People who have not been approved for funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme may pay privately for immediate support.

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