What is NDIS
What is NDIS?​
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of providing support for people with disability in Australia. It is an initiative by states and territories to provide individualised support for people with permanent disabilities.

The NDIS aims to give participants more control over the support they receive. It also seeks to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to services and programs. The NDIS provides more funding than any other publicly funded service in Australia, so you can get more support if needed.

The NDIS is an Australian government initiative to provide all Australians with a disability who meet certain eligibility criteria with individualised funding packages. These packages will support them in reaching their goals, including respite care for family members who care for them full-time.
Check out 3 key components of NDIS._
Three key components of NDIS.​

1) Support Coordination – Support coordination matches you with the most appropriate support to help you achieve your goals. Support coordinators are experts in identifying your needs and finding solutions for you. They can also help you access the support provided by your local NDIS plan.

2) Equipment & Attendant Support – NDIS Equipment & Attendant Support is the support coordination service that helps people with disability to plan and manage their equipment needs. It assists people to get access to the right equipment, maintain it and keep it working. This includes helping them find, hire and manage a personal assistant if needed.

3) Community Access – Community Access Support can help you learn about services and activities in your local area and get involved. It will also provide information on how to get involved in the community and support you to connect with other people who share similar interests or experiences.

What type of supports are funded under the NDIS​
What type of supports are funded under the NDIS?​

The NDIS will fund various types of support depending on your needs. The exact services you can access will depend on your goals as an individual and what type of funding package you're on.

Some common categories of NDIS-funded support include:

  • Assist with daily life activities
  • Assist with daily personal activities
  • Assist with travel and transport
  • Developmental training
  • Household tasks
  • Personal mobility equipment
  • Respite care
Who is eligible for the NDIS
Who is eligible for the NDIS?​

If you have a permanent disability, you may be eligible for support through the NDIS. You can also access support if you have a long-term illness or medical condition that has led to you being unable to work.

  • Australian citizens, permanent residents and Protected Special Category Visa holders
  • Be aged between 7 and 65 at the time of application.
  • Have a permanent disability that affects your day-to-day life.
  • Seeking help, such as equipment or a partner, to perform activities.

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